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Title: Sarah Zettel (Reading)
Day: Sat Time: 1400
Duration: 0.5
Room: CC: 203A
Description: Sarah reads from her current work.
Panellists: Sarah Zettel
Title: Worldbuilding: Worlds that Are, Worlds that Have Been and Worlds
that May Yet Be
Day: Sat Time: 1700
Duration: 1
Room: CC: 206C
Description: Fantasy and science fiction are both genres in which writers
create imaginary worlds so they can talk about our real world. Worldbuilding
techniques range from close extrapolation to alternate history to wild
flights of fantasy, but the best F/SF is alway [missing text].
Title: Design of Non-Humans in Fantasy
Day: Sun Time: 1400
Duration: 1
Room: CC: 104CD
Description: Fantasy, unlike science fiction, tends to focus on
psychological rather than merely physiological notions of alienness.
Traditional descriptions of the Fey mindset, for example, diverge markedly
from the human norm. But given stories positing the quotidia [missing text].
Im SO excited Sarah!!! Im also hiopng most of them can be used with PSE!! I got money stashed to buy lol im looking forward to the boys and urban ones!!!! *** crossing fingers they will PSE compatible***
Posted by: Takayuki | July 29, 2012 at 07:25 PM