UWG members Sarah Zettel, Steven Harper Piziks, and Catherine Shaffer will be attending the World Science Fiction Convention, this year titled Torcon 3 and held in Toronto, Canada, August 28 through September 1.
All three will participating in convention programming. The bare details are below. Refer to the website for more information.
Sarah Zettel:
Thursday, 3pm, Autographs
Thursday, 4pm, Beauty in the Near and Far Future
Thursday, 5pm, Summit, Writing the Extraordinary Realistically
Saturday, 2pm, Reading (Sarah reads from her current work.)
Saturday, 5pm, Worldbuilding: Worlds that Are, Worlds that Have Been and Worlds that May Yet Be
Sunday, 2pm, Design of Non-Humans in Fantasy
Monday, 2:30pm, Kaffeeklatsch (Tea and coffee in an informal setting.)
Steven Harper Piziks
Thursday, 1:30pm, Reading (Steven reads from his current work.)
Saturday, 1pm, Autographs
Saturday, 10pm, Performers' Circle Storytelling
Sunday, 1pm, Concert: Steven Harper Piziks / Rhodri James
Catherine Shaffer
Friday, 10:00am, Writers Workshop Session 2
Yum, rescuing dogs and eaintg my favorite treat do you suppose they might have rescued a chocolate lab? Thanks for the work you guys do for dogs!
Posted by: Carmem | July 29, 2012 at 02:57 PM