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A movie calledHellboy is coming out next summer. I assume it's based on the comic. I just saw the preview last night. Looks neat.


Yeah, there's been a bit of buzz about it in the comics magazines for a while. The costuming and makeup look good, now I'm just hoping that they don't butcher the storyline. Since Mignola is reportedly doing all the storyboarding for the movie, it might be just be good.

Alan Moore, for example (From Hell, League of Ext. Gentlemen), generally has nothing to do with the making of the movies based on his stuff. He's said that since movies are a completely different medium, he knows that translating his stories to movies will change them quite a bit. Therefore it's easier for him to just let go of any expectations from the start.

There is also a Hellblazer movie coming out that I probably won't go see. The main character in the comics is very British smart-ass ala Spike, and Keanu Reeves is cast for the part. Of course, the main character is no longer going to be British... I suppose the movie might be pretty good if I can just ignore the fact that it's supposed to be based on the comic, but I'm not sure that will work.


Congratulations. Quite an intelligent choice you have posted. Except for the few ones I have never read (but you have made me curious though), your list is a good starter for someone who wants to explore the wonderful world of comics (V, Bone, Usagi, Elektra, Powers and others all put together show us a wide range of intrensically different genres). If you like cop series, it's odd you didn't mention the fabulous comic Kane from Brit artist Paul Grist. And what about Concrete and Stray Bullets and... Be glad you're not into European comics or you would have had it even being more difficulty in making proper choices.


I don't know that I would single out any one cteolcoiln to you. There are multiple volumes of The Complete Crumb Comics which can be acquired relatively cheaply through Amazon.com. However, some of his other works can be just as impressive, such as his cteolcoilns based on country, jazz, and blues musicians.


My comic has been top 10 on r/treecomics for 6 hours, why hasn't it been posted here? Just want to know so I can tell my freind because he didn't believe that I could get a comic on here.Love the site!


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