I started with an oh-shit morning. This happens when you wake up, look at the clock, and say, "Oh shit!" The clock in question read 6:18, and I usually get up at 5:25.
You are looking at an unshowered man.
Bolted out the door and got to school only ten minutes later than my usual 7:00 (school starts at 7:20). Whew! Let's get moving. Start the day with media literacy, then segue into the stupid MEAP test, go to lunch, teach college writing, and head into another section of media literacy. At about 1:40, the PA came to life.
"Good afternoon, students and staff," said our principal in a cheerful voice. "We're going to conduct a fire drill in just a few moments. Teachers, please tell your students to take their belongings with them." And the fire alarm went off.
Naturally my own alarms were working overtime. 1) Fire drills are always at the beginning of class, never in the middle. 2) They are never announced. 3) The kids generally don't take their stuff with them. The whole thing smelled like a bomb threat or similar. So I threw my own stuff into my satchel, grabbed coat and keys, and headed outside with the kids. Moments later, a fire truck came screaming down the street and hurtled itself around the corner to the front of the building.
Naturally speculation ran rampant, but we didn't learn anything. At least the weather was warm, if windy. The buses arrived and the assistant principals told the kids they could go home at the normal time of 2:10. I spoke to said AP, and he said there was an "immediate threat" to the building, though he wouldn't say what it was. I'm still thinking bomb threat.
Once the kids were on the buses, I went around to the front of the building to go home, congratulating myself on having grabbed my own stuff. (Actually, after the Year of Many Bomb Threats, I grab my coat and keys whenever there's a building evacuation, even if it's just a drill.) Many police cars were in evidence, and one of the officers directed traffic to expedite people getting out. So now I'm home.
From oh-shit to evacuation in six easy hours!
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