Sarah's Penguicon 2.0.1.
Dressed in my fabulous new jacket, I went to my next panel, which was Cyberage Mythology. This was lightly attended, but not empty. One panelist was late, so Matt Arnold, who runs the website The Electronic Monk and I went ahead. I liked panelling with Matt. He tended to ask questions and let me hold forth. It would be very wrong for me to say I don't enjoy the heck out of that, even more so because my chances to hold forth at home tend to involve sentances like "and that's why you shouldn't drop Mr. Clacky over the edge..."
Anyway, we had a good discussion about the place and purpose of myth in society. Our third panelist, Rachel, did show up (she'd been having trouble with her hall costume), and all was good.
Right after that, in the same room, we had another panel that I'm blanking on at the moment. I know it wasn't Humanity 2.0, 'cause that came after dinner.
Well, there was another panel, and I think that was the one with me and three guys in black t-shirts. I complained I didn't get the black T memo, I remember that. After this panel, I had exactly an hour for dinner before the next panel. I went down to the hotel restauraunt, and found it was closed for the banquet. Yeep! The next closest thing was a mexican restauraunt, and I can't do mexican.
Fortunately, I used to live just a mile from the hotel and thus knew the area. I jumped in the car and drove toward my old home, and wound up at a fancy-schmancy steak & ale place called Bonfire. It was packed, but I got a seat at the bar and had a salad and duck wontons (not bad, but not as good as they could have been) and hurried back to the hotel in time for Humanity 2.0.
I was on this panel with Steven. For Those of You Who Don't Know, Steven and I have been having a running debate about the influence of Nature vs. Nurture in the development of humans. I'm on the Nurture end. We fully expected this panel to be a continuation of the debate, and came loaded for bear. We had warned the moderator ahead of time.
Although the panel was largely supposed to be about "transhumanism" it mostly what the panel ended up being about was the possibilities offered by genetic engineering. It was well-attended and there were obviously very strong opinions. Fortunately, the discussion stayed lively and civilized.
After that, Comrade and I sort of wandered around looking for interesting things or people, but I was fading fast, and went to bed early, and didn't get up until the next morning...
Next: Short Sunday
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