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Matt Arnold

I'll suggest to the committee that we add to the physical activities section of the next program book something like, "It is inconsiderate and unacceptable to fire air guns at unsuspecting passerby."

Anne Harris

Interestingly enough, Sarah, I had my own encounter with an air shooter (or whatever you want to call it) the weekend before at Norwescon. I was hurtling down the hall, late to my next panel when, yes, I heard a loud noise and felt something hit my chest. It startled a very undignified sqwauk out of me, I can tell you. Apparently mid-April is Author Season.

Howard Tayler

I got shot with the same airgun, and enjoyed it so much I bought the company.

(Well, actually I just bought one gun for myself, took it home, and shot the kids who also loved it. Then again, they saw it coming).

Sarah, your reaction is uncharacteristic, but not unreasonable. It sounds like you actually went into a state of shock, probably as a result of several events conspiring together to leave you more susceptible. Penguicon, great fun though it was, was a nonstop stream of input, much of which was surprising, stressing, and even threatening. Given that, you're absolutely justified in your reaction (not that you needed MY vote of confidence.)



We encountered those in Florida. The vendor shot people walking by as a way of promoting his product. I think it's probably good manners not to shoot from behind and to keep your distance so it's more amusing than startling.

Science fiction conventions are not good places to find people practicing good manners. There are lots of interesting and amusing and intelligent people there. There are also lots of kids who got picked last for T-ball every day, who had their underpants run up flagpoles, who got beat up every day after school, etc. Not everyone who grows up on the wrong side of the popular crowd is able to compensate for lack of genteel socialization. It gets a little bit tiring, for me, and I've more than once found myself angry over rudeness perpetrated at a con. I just try to remember that there are nice people there, too.


I got shot too, but it was face on so I knew it was coming and even set up to try to "catch" the shot. I was expecting some soft styrofoam ball to come out of the thing, and was surprised to learn that I was trying to catch an "air ball".

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