Aran got hold of our digital camera and I assembled the results into a photo essay. The first of four pages is at:
The photos are pretty cool, especially considering the photographer is only six years old.
Dear Mrs. Sarah Palin:I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.Well Mrs. Integrity, please do not stop doing what you are doing to bring back some kind of sitnay to the conservative and republican party; which is so badly need.My question for you and all the “PIN HEAD” (not you) republicans and commenter out there that say; if we as conservative disagrees with one another, that we are giving the next election to a man that has not a clue and what it takes for this country to run as it has for the last hundreds of years.I have disagreement with my family or church members, but it doesn’t means that I want the devil to win or any of his demons.I believe that this is a very healthy thing; that shows that we are a people that has our own thoughts and yet are still working together for a common cause because what we do have is a person or in this case a president that have lose touch with the people of the United State, who talked about change and is running our economy into the ground because he doesn’t know what he is doing or what this great nation is all about.One of the things that I do not understands is while are those like Mr. Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Greta (whom I watch on a daily basis) and some other commenter’s are playing right into the hands of the democrats and progressives. Let me ask you a question madman, who is going to stand up for the American people and jobs, when we seem to be losing both of them; when we have oil in our own country and the president won’t let oil company drill for our resource, or build refinery that will created jobs which are so badly, I repeat, so badly needed.Yes, they talk about the Tea Party, well I fought for this country to be in any party I want to join, where was some of these liberals when I and my brother and friends was in Vietnam in 1966 were some 58,000 young men and women got killed or some 120,000 came back home wounded and the country still have not received us back home as yet (but this is just me), so please; someone tell me why I cannot be a tea party person who which I gave my blood and my brother and friends gave their lives, Amen.However, these progressive calls me name, who most likely ran to Canada when wartime was at hand; because they were “Pot Head Liberals”, now you tell me who is un-patriots me or then.Nobody wants to play on a team that is going or has given up to the idea of losing before they even start to play ball, and when I hear that because you are challenging any republican candidate because of their views which are not like the one you may have, that you are giving the race to president Obama, I do not think so, nevertheless, I do believe that you can send messages to your supports that you have thrown in the towel.Another thing that I would like for you sister Palin to address is this, that the American people cannot remember what their had last night for dinner nor what those brains in Washington are talking because we are not smart enough, who in the hell made them think that they are all that and a bag of chip, well I have new for them all, I think that we can handle anything that you “Pin Heads” can give out.Listen, young lady you are the one with and in the spot lights and have the ability of addressing these issues for the American people and we are depending on you; to do the right thing.I overheard two young airmen talking about you today at Travis Air Force Base; in a very favorable way, in which I was very, very please about and I told them that these progressive are afeard of you because you operates in and with integrity, and tell it just as it is, so they are some that do not like that and are trying to make look as one of little or no important, but what they do not know; is that Christ Jesus is on your side.Sincerely YoursDr. Vanderbilt Evans, Sr.
Posted by: John | May 19, 2012 at 11:56 PM
I read your blog often and agree with your views on homeschooling, atahetmcnt parenting, sleep sharing, vaccinations I can't understand, for the life of me, why you would be excited about a woman who has chosen career over family, like Palin. Clearly, her 17-year-old pregnant daughter needs her now, but instead she's choosing to immerse herself in a presidential campaign to get the 2nd hardest job in the country. Clearly, her special needs baby would benefit from a full-time mother, but instead she's applauded for going back to work 3 days after giving birth.I don't get how she's a role model to Christian women.I am sincerely asking you to explain your position. I understand if you're a republican and intend to support the republican candidate, but to hail her as a champion for motherhood (and the sacrifices that that entails) is beyond my understanding. Please explain.Thanks!Delina
Posted by: Mazlum | August 01, 2012 at 01:28 AM