When you write, people ask where you get your ideas from, a lot. Less frequently, they ask what inspires you.
It is my beliefe that inspiration, like "talent" is a much smaller part of the process than most people think. What makes inspiration great is the way you feel when it actually does strike. There is that moment during all the hard, frustrating, tooth-grinding work when it all becomes clear. You see it, you know it, you've GOT it.
And yes, I'm writing this because that just happened to me. The ending of the latest Arthurian Thing was languishing, until I got on the phone to talk with Karen Everson about some much needed symbolism. I got off the phone, I started working in said symbolism...and I GOT it. It all came together in a set of flashes, and I had one of those heady moments when your fingers can't keep up with your brain, but it doesn't really matter, because I GOT IT, and when you've really got it, it doesn't go away.
I'm not done yet by a long chalk, but it's like two weeks worth of work got crammed into a single hour. Part of me feels like it wants to lean back and have a cigarette.
Part of me just wants to go light a candle to whatever gods keep toddlers napping for just that little bit of extra time while their writing mothers get their inspiration into the word processor.
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