My story, "Midnight on Tabula," is in the current issue of Analog (October). Get thee to a book store, while supplies last! It will be easy to find, because for some reason my name is on the cover. Yeah! Woohoo! Yippee!
I tried to avoid reading it, then accidentally flipped to the first page and got sucked right in, not because it's the best story in the world, but because I was obsessively proofreading. *smack* Bad writer! To my disappointment, they didn't choose to illustrate it. But my name IS on the cover, so I won't complain even one tiny bit.
This is my first "big time" pro sale. I am now a professional sf writer by every standard. SFWA. Writers of the Future. Campbell Awards. It's very exciting. Of course I've been at it long enough to know I shouldn't wait for an avalanche of fan mail, or probably any response of any kind, at least not for some months. At some point perhaps a review will appear in Tangent or Locus. If I'm lucky the review will be good. I am not unexperienced with negative reviews, so I think I won't die if that happens. I think.
But for most stories, unless they get onto an award ballot or get reprinted in best-ofs, they have their day in the sun and then quietly disappear. I'm prepared for that, too. There's more stories where that one came from. I've been waiting seven years since Clarion to get to this point. I've got
Catherine - Congrats! That's big news.
Posted by: Erica | August 04, 2004 at 09:59 AM
Woohoo, Serious congratulations! Great to see all your hard work paying off!
Posted by: Mark Everson | August 05, 2004 at 10:20 PM
Way to go, Catherine! Welcome to the Mafia. Have you gotten your button yet?
Posted by: Sarah | August 06, 2004 at 09:46 AM
Look what I found:
Posted by: Jim | August 09, 2004 at 11:16 AM
Way cool!
Posted by: Lisa | August 11, 2004 at 09:21 PM