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Bummer. Why aren't you eligible anymore?

I tried telling myself the same thing about the China Wushu tournament. I know the scoring was even more subjective than figure skating, and that everyone got a medal of some color (so how valuable can it be?), but it hasn't helped. Then again, my registration was screwed up and they refused to fix it, so I wasn't even given the chance to be subjectively judged.

Steven Harper Piziks

Yeah, but remember that you're ineligible because you've been published in ANALOG. :)



This is definitely glass-half-full situation.


Kristy Walsh - Dear Ben and Sarah,Congratulations! You will both make gorgeous bebias and beuatiful parents.Fingers crossed Dave and I are next!!!Our Wedding canvas takes pride of place in our lounge room and every body loves it. We must get more done!Love Kristy & Dave xxx

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