So, last night Comrade Steven and I went over to the Ypsilanti library to give a talk on "How to Get Published." Otherwise known as "The Sarah & Steven Show."
We had a good turn out. I'd say 25 to 30 people. We started with what NOT to do, and used PublishAmerica as our main example of a scam. From there, we moved quickly into what to do and got right into the nuts and bolts of mss. preparation, followed by how to find your market and what to do when you get rejected, and what to do when you get accepted.
I'd say most everybody there was taking notes. We had some very good questions. I was struck by how many times we said, "you can go to their website," because it occurred to me when we STARTED giving this kind of talk umpty-ump years ago, the only way to find some of this stuff out was by writing or (ulp!) phone calls.
Afterwards, we talked to some folks, hawked a few books, and went out for drinks at a nearby coffee shop. And so to home. Not a bad way to earn $100.