Right. Some current peeves of mine. Why, with all the l33t-speak, lack of capitalization, and inability to type in sentences or, heaven forfend, paragraphs out on the web, do these little things bother me? I don't know, but I'm going to snark about them anyway. (And yes, I know I'm preaching to the choir.)
Rediculous - it's ridiculous with an 'i'. I don't care how you say it, that's how you spell it.
Apaulled - I don't even know what to make of this. 'Paul' is a name. 'Pal' in appalled has the same root as 'pale'. If you are appalled, you are filled with consternation or dismay. By the same logic, if you are apaulled (or appaulled), I really don't want to know about it.
Payed - Yes, stayed and staid are two different words with two different meanings. Paid and payed are not. Why is this? Because 'payed' isn't a word. Even if it was, the word you were looking for is 'paid'.
Thank you. Come again.
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